Governance, peace and justice.

Centre for Inclusive Governance, Peace and Justice

Through its various programs and initiatives, CIGPJ aims to create a more peaceful, just, and inclusive society

Difference starts with us, Today

The Center for Inclusive Governance, Peace, and Justice (CIGPJ) is a not-for-profit, non-partisan CSO founded and registered in 2017. CIGPJ aspires for a peaceful, prosperous, just, and inclusive society with presence in Central Equatoria (Juba and Yei), Western Equatoria (Mundri), and the Jonglei Province (Jonglei-Bor). CIGPJ works with civil society, women leaders, youth, and faith-based leaders; persons with disabilities; traditional authorities; displaced populations; survivors; government officials; local authorities; and academia. CIGPJ is a change-maker grounded in citizen-centered approaches and a long-term commitment to delivering justice support services.

The capacity of CIGPJ started as a small, self-sustaining organization that has progressively evolved since its inception in 2017. The organization has created networks and partnerships with like-minded institutions. The growth of CIGPJ is built on lessons learned from its strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities, tapping into its internal expertise and partners support. The section demonstrates synergies between long-term learning, institutional growth, and human capacity building and highlights areas for improvement. The key areas focused on are organization leadership and governance, leadership, program management, finance, and operations.


  • Strengthening and creation of survivors’ networks and justice champions as advocates of
    women’s rights.
  • Conducting awareness raising, community dialogue forums, song and drama series, school debates, and an essay writing competition on the rights of women, girls, and boys and SGBV
  • Developing audio, visual, and IEC materials on SGBV, women’s rights, and transitional justice
    Justice (radio talk shows, TV shows, jingles on SGBV on TJ, constitutional developments,
    security sector reforms).
  • Research, a policy brief on SGBV, and stakeholder dialogue on SGBV approaches
    responses, women‘s rights, transitional justice, children’s rights, and access to justice.
  • National and regional advocacy on SGBV: survivor’s voices and advocacy

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operation Locations

Bor County
Bor PoC
Munduri County
Munduri East
Munduri West
Juba County
Yei County
Lanya County

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